Cynddelw Eco-Schools


Eco Council

The Eco Council held a competition for the whole school to design or make a video to help promote our eco promise – ” Saving energy”.

These are the winners of the competition. Da iawn pawb.


Dyma ein cyngor Eco am y flwyddyn 2023 – 23. Here is our Eco-council for the year 2022-23.

6th Platinum renewal / Adnewydd Platinwm (6ed)

News! The Eco-council are delighted to announce that our application for the Eco-Schools Green Flag: 6th Platinum Renewal has been successful.

Newyddion! Mae’n bleser gan y Cyngor-Eco i gyhoeddi bod ein cais am Faner Werdd Eco-Sgolion: Adnewyddu Platinwm (6ed) wedi bod yn llwyddiannus.

Eco-schools day . Diwrnod Ysgolion-Eco

In June Eco-council representatives visited Clawddnewydd to take part in Eco-schools activities. We learnt about the power of seaweed, visited the borrow bus, analysed our soil and learnt about the problem of litter on Snowdon.

Ym mis Mehefin ymwelodd cynrychiolwyr y Cyngor-Eco â Chlawddnewydd i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau Eco-ysgolion. Dysgon ni am bŵer gwymon, ymwelon ni â’r bws benthyg, dadansoddi ein pridd a dysgu am broblem sbwriel ar yr Wyddfa.

Plannu Hadau / Planting seeds

We have been planting vegetables and wildflowers in the garden.

Rydym wedi bod yn plannu llysiau a blodau gwyllt yn yr ardd.