Bwriad y Ffederasiwn
Gwnaed y Ffederasiwn allan o ddwy Ysgol yn Nyffryn Ceiriog dan ofal un Pennaeth ac un corff llywodraethol. Sicrheir gan y Ffederasiwn fod yr ysgolion ar wahan o ran cyfraith ond yn parhau i fod ar agor gyda’u unigrywolaeth. Adeiladai hyn ar gryferderau y ddwy ysgol heb i’r un ysgol golli ei unigrywolaeth personol
Ein Nodau ar y cyd â Chwricwlwm Newydd Cymru:
- Creu dysgwyr uchelgeisiol, galluog sy’n gosod safonau uchel i’w hunain ac yn ceisio ac yn mwynhau her
- Annog disgyblion i werthfawrogi iechyd a bod yn hyderus a bod â’r sgiliau a’r wybodaeth i reoli bywyd bob dydd mor annibynnol ag y gallant
- Cynhyrchu cyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol sy’n meddwl yn greadigol i ail-lunio a datrys problemau
- Datblygu dinasyddion â gwybodaeth foesegol sy’n dangos eu hymrwymiad i gynaliadwyedd y blaned ac sy’n barod i fod yn ddinasyddion Cymru sy’n dathlu eu hiaith a’u diwylliant eu hunain a hefyd y byd ehangach.
- Parchu eu hanghenion a hawliau eraill, gan weithio ar y cyd fel ffederasiwn
Ein Gweledigaeth
Mae ein datganiad cenhadaeth a’n nodau ysgol wedi’u creu gan ein plant, staff, llywodraethwyr a rhieni. Rydym yn ysgolion cymunedol cyfeillgar, croesawgar sy’n creu dysgwyr annibynnol a chreadigol sy’n garedig a pharchus. Rydym yn ymdrechu i helpu’r plant i ddysgu mewn amgylchedd sy’n eu paratoi ar gyfer y dyfodol, gan eu galluogi i fod yn ddysgwyr annibynnol, hyderus ac uchelgeisiol. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn cyrraedd ei lawn botensial ac yn ffynnu yn y byd esblygol sy’n eu disgwyl.
Our Aims
The Federation of Schools in the Ceiriog Valley is made up of the two separate county primary schools sharing one head teacher and one governing body. The federation ensures that all schools remain separate by law retaining their own unique identity. This arrangement builds on the strengths of both schools without them losing their individual identities.
Our Aims in conjunction with the New Curriculum for Wales:
- To create ambitious, capable learners who set themselves high standards and seek and enjoy challenge
- To encourage pupils to value health and be confident and have the skills and knowledge to manage everyday life as independently as they can
- Produce enterprising, creative contributors who think creatively to reframe and solve problems
- To develop ethically informed citizens who show their commitment to the sustainability of the planet and are ready to be citizens of Wales who celebrate their own language and culture and also the wider world.
- To respect their needs and the rights of others, working collaboratively as a federation
Our Vision
Our mission statement and school aims have been created by our children, staff, governors and parents. We are friendly, welcoming community schools that create independent and creative learners who are kind and respectful. We endeavour to help the children learn in an environment that prepares them for the future, enabling them to be independent, confident and ambitious learners. We are committed to ensuring that all children reach their full potential and thrive in the evolving world that awaits them.