At Ysgol Cynddelw and Ysgol Llanarmon DC we are committed to working together to support all pupils to help meet their needs and reach their full potential. As part of a graduated response, we implement support at a universal and targeted universal level and through additional learning needs provision.
As a federation of schools we ensure the needs of all pupils are met through high quality teaching and learning provision. Our Universal Provision includes:
- Whole class quality first teaching
- Effective differentiation
- Collaborative group and partner work
- Individual and small group interventions (within the class or in the shared area with an adult)
- Access to visual aids and support e.g. working walls, maths resources, writing frames
- Appropriate and reasonable adjustments to enable access to the school environment, curriculum and facilities
During their time at Ysgol Cynddelw and Ysgol Llanarmon DC, pupils will make expected progress in their learning to begin with offering universal provision. If a pupil is not progressing, we will gather observations, use assessment data and seek to work in collaboration with outside agencies to identify any additional learning needs. A wide range of evidence will be gathered over time, including:
- Assessment tools, frameworks and questionnaires
- Standardised assessments
- Observational data
- Formative assessments of day to day learning
- Monitoring progress over time
At this point, a pupil would have a Targeted Universal Plan (affectionately known as a TUP) which would indicate their individual targets. Progress would be reviewed termly. Additional action may be taken, and advice and support may be sought from outside agencies such as the Educational Psychology Service, Speech and Language Therapy Service, Literacy Service, who might suggest specific strategies to support a pupil.
Where a pupil has not progressed as well as expected with the additional support provided as outlined above, the next stage of the graduated response would be that the school considers whether the pupil has Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and in turn requires Additional Learning Provision (ALP). Should it be determined that a pupil has Additional Learning Needs, an Individual Development Plan (IDP) would be developed in a person-centred manner through a Person Centred Review meeting. The IDP would then be reviewed at least annually to ensure they remain relevant and are used as working documents.
Interventions we provide and support are in both Welsh and English Language.
ELSA – Emotional literacy support
Drawing and talking
Lego therapy
Speech and Language – Narrative therapy
Literacy and Numeracy support.
All staff have had training from Autism Wales.