Welcome to Miss Richards’ Class
Croeso i ddosbarth Miss Richards
Spring Term 2025
This term our Inquiry is ‘what is a superhero?’
We will be learning about what super powers does a superhero need? are Heroes real? What makes a superhero. This topic links mainly to our health and well being.
We will be reading the story ‘Supertato ad the Evil Pea’ and working on our writing skills.
We will also be looking at what qualities we need to be a good person and a good friend. We will also be looking at people who help us and why they are important. How can we look after ourselves and others.
Creatively we will be inspired by pop art and cartoons.
Autumn Term 2024
This term our Inquiry is ‘ What makes a good story?
We will be looking at lots of different stories, fairy tales, traditional stories and the children’s favourite stories e.g The Gruffalo.
We built houses using different materials to see if it was strong enough to withstand the Big Bad Wolf!
Our Gruffalo and Little Red Riding Hood display.

Our Learning journey- Once upon a time

Summer Term 2024
This summer term our Inquiry is Health and Wellbeing – investigating the 5 ways of well being.

Welsh Artists- Kyffin Williams and Rhiannon Roberts

Our Collaborative Collage ‘ Cymru’ .
We visited Chirk Castle and looked at our local area.
We enjoyed making Leek and Potato Soap and Welsh cakes using our numeracy and literacy skills.

Spring Term 2024
This term we are learning all about Cymru! Our inquiry question is ‘What makes Wales wonderful?
The children will be learning about the Welsh culture, history, art and stories. The children will be collecting information for a Pnawn Paned with parents to share their findings. The pupils will produce an advertisement about Wales showing all the wonderful things Wales has to offer. During this term pupils will be taking part in Santes Dwynwen activities, St David’s day celebration, School Eisteddfod and Dydd Mwsig Cymru.
Autumn Term 2023
This term we are learning about Space. Our inquiry question is ‘ what is beyond the stars?’
The children will be learning about the all the different planets in our solar system, our galaxy and universe, light, shadows, gravity, astronauts, space travel and space exploration. The children will be learning about the moon landing in 1969 and how we are learning new things about space every day. Pupils will also have the opportunity to taste space food and what a meal would be like if they lived on the International Space station. They will create data to share which is their most favourite food.
The children will be creating artefacts and information like a museum for the parents to visit. pupils will work in groups to create different areas for the parents to visit and explore. The pupils will use the information they have found out and share with parents.

Forest school Autumn Term 2023

Summer Term 2023
This term we are looking at Water. Our inquiry question is ‘ Why is Water important?’
We have started our inquiry with a visit from Hafren Dyfrdwy Water Company to show the children how we get water in our homes and where it comes from. The children enjoyed learning about what happens to the water after we have used it. We have learned all about the water cycle and the children can explain how we have rain.
We have been for a walk around our local area and seen where the River Ceiriog begins and we have investigated what lives in the water.
We have been learning about the importance of water in washing our hands to stop germs. We used the Glow bug to help show this.
We are very excited to have some tadpoles in our class and see how they grow.
We have had guest speaker from the Canal & River Trust to come and talk to us about water safety.
We will investigating why we need water for living things to grow.
We have been investigating materials that can float and sink. We will be making our own boats and see if they will float in the stream.
We will be learning about drought and how that can effect people and the environment. We will be learning about a little girl’s life in Madagascar who has to walk miles to collect clean water.
Our end product we will organising a sponsored walk to raise money for Water aid.

Checking who had the cleanest hands in the class!

Here is a video of a child explaining to you how to wash your hands correctly.

Floating and Sinking Experiment.

Exploring what is living in our steam.
We completed a Water walk like the little girl called Lala who lives in Madagascar. She has to walk miles to get clean water. We decided to walk around our school field and try and see how it felt walking with buckets of water to try and experience what Lala has to do every day.

This is our collaborative Expressive Art work. We created a large collage of the painting ‘ The Great Wave’ by the Japanese artist Hokusai. Each child had a piece of the picture where they had to use a range of materials of their choice.

Visit Jodie from Size of Wales – June 2023
Size of Wales- Rainforest and Climate change workshop.

King Charles III Coronation- May 2023
His Majesty The King is well known for his love of flowers and nature so we made coronation crowns with natural materials at Forest school. The whole school enjoyed a Coronation Party.

Spring Term 2023
This term our theme is Celebrations. We will be investigating why are celebrations important to people? The central idea is celebrations are away to connect people from all over the world.
We will start our inquiry by celebrating Chinese/ Lunar New year. This is what we have been up to so far. We have looked at how Chinese New year is celebrated and the story The great race.
The children enjoyed looking at the Chinese artefacts and eating their Fortune cookies! The children have made a wish for the new year and displayed it on our Wishing Tree.

Our Chinese New Year Party- Dragon dance.
We organised a video call to Vietnam where we spoke to Mr Daniel and his family. We used a jamboard to collate all our questions to ask him and his family. Miss Ali showed us how to use Chop sticks!

We organised a birthday party for our end product. We send out invitations and we visited the local shop to buy the food we wanted for the party. We wrote a shopping list and made party decorations.

Inquiry Autumn 2022- What can we do to help prevent further damage to the environment? with the concept that All life forms are interconnected and depend on specific conditions to survive.

We read the story ‘There’s a Rang-tan in my bedroom’ which explains about the impact on deforestations. The children decided that they wanted to make placards and have a demonstration around the school to raise awareness of deforestation. The children wrote a letter to a chocolate company to ask them to help save the animals in the rainforests.
Autumn Term 2022
This Term we will be exploring the concept of Life on Earth.
We will be learning through inquiry based learning. the question we will be investigating is
What can we do to help prevent further damage to the environment? with the concept that All life forms are interconnected and depend on specific conditions to survive.
We will be looking at habitats, environment, climate change, animals and plants.
The children’s ideas and suggestions will be used to plan activities for the term.
We want all children to be Ambitious, capable learners who are ready to learn throughout their lives. Enterprising, creative contributors who are ready to play a full part in life and work. Ethical, informed citizens who are ready to be citizens of Wales and the world.
To start our Inquiry we had a visit from some very interesting Animals! 20/9/22

We had a fantastic morning and we are very exited to start learning about how we can look after our world and all that lives in it.
Summer Term 2021
Topic- Growing
This term we have been learning through inquiry based learning. We have been using our questions about growing and finding out the answers. We are also creating our own garden shop and hopefully sell our produce that we grow. We have decided to grow sunflowers, beans, carrots and strawberries. We will be creating a advert for our garden shop.
Here are some of our questions we wanted to find out.
- How do plants grow?
- What do plants need to grow? How to plant a seed.
- Do plants need soil to grow?
- How do we grow?
- What are parts of the flower called?

We planted a bean seed and created a bean diary to document how it grew. We asked everyone in our class what they wanted to grow and created a tally chart and graphs.

and the answer is YES they can. Here we are planting our seedlings in the garden.

We made recycled plastic bottles to create green houses for our carrots to grow.

here are our carrots growing so far…

We have a garden centre in our class.

Our strawberry plants are growing nicely!