Staff Llanarmon

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Pennaeth / Headteacher:

Mrs Lora Sockett 

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Miss Beth Evans

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Pennaeth Dysgu ac Addysgu / Head of Teaching and Learning 

Athrawes Cyfnod Allweddol 2 / Key Stage 2 Teacher  



Athrawes Cyfnod Sylfaen / Foundation Phase    Teacher  


Miss Llio Davies 

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Athrawes CPA / PPA Teacher


Athrawes Cerdd / Music Teacher:

Mrs Eleri Owens

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Web-capture_21-4-2022_155457_.jpegCymhorthydd Dysgu / Teaching Assistant:


Mrs Rhonwen Tomlinson

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Web-capture_21-4-2022_154234_-1.jpegSwyddog Busnes/ Business Manager:


Mrs Michelle Lewis

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Cogyddes / School Cook:

Miss Levi Tormey

 Gofalwraig/ Caretaker:


Mrs Michelle Morris


Cymhorthydd Dysgu / Teaching Assistant:


Mrs Eleri Owen 

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Cymhorthydd Dysgu / Teaching Assistant:

Mrs Bronwen Morris