Gallwch nawr gofrestru ar gyfer rasys Traws Gwlad yr Urdd sy’n cael eu cynnal yn Y Drenewydd a Caerdydd. Rydym yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth gyda Athletau Cymru unwaith eto eleni i gynnig cyfres o rasys Traws Gwlad ar draws Gymru. Welwch isod manylion y ddwy ras gyntaf 2024/25:
Dyddiad: Dydd Sadwrn 9 Tachwedd
Lleoliad: Caeau Llandaf, Caerdydd
Amser: Ras 1: Merched – 11:02yb
Ras 2: Bechgyn – 11:10yb
Pellter: 1,250m
Categoriau: Merched Bl.3-4
Merched Bl.5-6
Bechgyn Bl.3-4
Bechgyn Bl.5-6
(1af, 2ail a 3ydd o bob categori yn cael eu gwobrwyo. Bydd gwobrau timau ysgol ym mhob categori hefyd).
Cofrestru: Mi fydd cofrestru yn cau ar y 31 Hydref am 23:59yp! Ni fydd modd cofrestru ar ddiwrnod y ras. Cost cofrestru yw £6 neu £4 i aelod o’r Urdd. Defnyddiwch y linc isod i gofrestru eich lle.
Y Drenewydd
Dyddiad: Dydd Sadwrn 16 Tachwedd
Lleoliad: Parc Dolerw, Y Drenewydd
Amser: Ras 1: Bl.3 a 4 – 11:15yb
Ras 2: Bl.5 a 6 – 11:30yb
Pellter: 1,300m
Categoriau: Merched Bl.3-4
Merched Bl.5-6
Bechgyn Bl.3-4
Bechgyn Bl.5-6
(1af, 2ail a 3ydd o bob categori yn cael eu gwobrwyo. Bydd gwobrau timau ysgol ym mhob categori hefyd).
Cofrestru: Mi fydd cofrestru yn cau ar y 11 Tachwedd am 23:59yp! Ni fydd modd cofrestru ar ddiwrnod y ras. Cost cofrestru yw £5. Defnyddiwch y linc isod i gofrestru eich lle.
Am ragor o wybodaeth e-bostiwch: [email protected] neu ffoniwch 02922 405345.
Diolch a phob hwyl,
Adran Chwaraeon yr Urdd
Urdd Cross Country 2024
You can now register to take part in the Urdd Cross Country races held in Cardiff and Newtown. We’re pleased to be working in collaboration with Welsh Athletics once again this year to run a series of races across Wales. Please see below information regarding our first two events for the 2024/25 academic year:
Date: Saturday 9 November 2024
Location: Llandaff Fields, Cardiff
Time: Race 1: Girls – 11:02
Race 2: Boys – 11:10
Distance: 1,250m
Categories: Girls Yr.3-4
Girls Yr.5-6
Boys Yr.3-4
Boys Yr.5-6
(1st, 2nd and 3rd from each category will be awarded. School team results will also be calculated).
Registration: Registration will close on the 31 October at 23:59pm! There will be no registrations taken on the day of the race. Registration is £6 or £4 for any Urdd member. Use the link above to register your space.
Date: Saturday 16 November 2024
Location: Dolerw Park, Newtown
Time: Race 1: Years 3 and 4 – 11:15
Race 2: Years 5 and 6 – 11:30
Distance: 1,300m
Categories: Girls Yr.3-4
Girls Yr.5-6
Boys Yr.3-4
Boys Yr.5-6
(1st, 2nd and 3rd from each category will be awarded. School team results will also be calculated).
Registration: Registration will close on the 11 November at 23:59pm! There will be no registrations taken on the day of the race. Registration is £5 per runner. Use the link below to register.
For more information please email: [email protected] or phone 02922 405 345.
Diolch and pob lwc!
The Urdd’s Sports Department