Let’s get moving

Ideas to get moving including yoga and circuits.

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Wrexham Healthy Schools

Activities for pupils Healthy-schools-activities-May-.pdf

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Hyfforddiant Ar-lein yn rhad ac am ddim/Free Online Training

Annwyl bawb, Mae tîm Iechyd Cyhoeddus Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi bod trwydded aml-ddefnyddiwr ar gyfer pedwar cwrs ar-lein gan Solihull Approach wedi cael eu prynu, a byddant yn cael eu lansio ar ddydd MercherEbrill 29ain. Golyga hyn, y bydd gan bob un aelod o drigolion sy’n byw yng Ngogledd Cymru y cyfle i ddefnyddio’r … Read more

Fw: Education Otherwise support for home educating families

Learning at home guidance for parents From: Mailbox (Ysgol Cynddelw) <[email protected]&gt; Sent: 22 April 2020 10:55 To: Rhys Dafydd <[email protected]&gt; Subject: Fw: Education Otherwise support for home educating families   From: Shelley Roberts <[email protected]&gt; Sent: 22 April 2020 10:53 Cc: Amanda Hassell <[email protected]&gt; Subject: Education Otherwise support for home educating families   Sent to all … Read more

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Healthy schools Activities and Ideas

Information about Coronavirus Boockstart Bitesize Fairtrade Climate Wales resources How to work from home when the kids are around! Let’s get creative! Ideas-and-Activities-healthy-schools-team.pdf

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