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Eco Council Litter Pick

Aeth y Cyngor Eco i godi sbwriel o amgylch y pentref gyda thîm tacluso Ceiriog. The eco-council took part in a litter pick around the village with the Ceiriog Tidy Team.

Dawns – Dinas Emrys

Roeddem yn lwcus i gymryd rhan mewn tair sesiwn ddawns lle roeddem yn darlunio stori Dinas Emrys mewn ffordd greadigol. We were lucky to take part in three dance sessions where we depicted the story of Dinas Emrys in a creative way.

Eisteddfod Cynddelw 2-3-20

Cawsom hwyl heddiw yn perfformio ein caneuon ar gyfer ein Heisteddfod ysgol. Bu’r disgyblion i gyd yn cymryd rhan a daeth disgyblion o Ysgol Llanarmon D.C. i farnu’r perfformiadau. Cyhoeddwyd enillwyr y gystadleuaeth gelf hefyd. We enjoyed performing our songs tday at our school Eisteddfod. All the pupils took part and pupils from Ysgol Llanarmon … Read more